JANICE ELAINE BARROS-                   "Jan"             Business

5 Priest Lane, North Dartmouth
"Dance, laugh, and be merry"
Activities: Girls' Chorus 1; Office Aide 4; HARPOON.
A real swinger . . . dances up a storm at Lincoln Park on Saturday nights
. . . Downtown Thursday night wouldn't be complete without Jan and her
pals . . . "Are you going to the Park tonight?"
Future Plans: Business School
25 Bliss Street, South Dartmouth
"Content with a little, yet wishing for more"
Activities: Indoor track 3, 4; Outdoor track 3, 4.
Likes sports . . tinilds gas model airplanes . plays a guitar ... digs the
Beatles . be seen tinkering with cars . . . a real whiz kid on his feet
. "Wait a second!"
Future Plans: College

JAMES CHRISTOPHER BEAN-          "Malcolm Christopher"   College

14. Hilltop Road, North Dartmouth
"Let each man exercise the art he knows" Activities: "Red Balloon" 4. Can play a broken guitar . . . always eating turkey sandwiches . . . works for the Chronicle (that's work ? J . . . sleeping is a favorite pastime . . . likes bells, "camp" posters and colleges . . . enjoys skipping rope around Park Square . . . a real funny guy. . . `Ichabod Voochiboh!"

 Future Plans: College
JANIS ELIZABETH BELANGER-               "Jan"           Business

2 East Quarry Lane, North Dartmouth
"Laugh and the world laughs with you." Activities: HARPOON. Likes to ice skate on the Lake in the winter . . . can be seen at the Alleys drinking coffee . . . works at St. Lukes' Hospital . . . fun to be with . . . "Right?" 

Future Plans: Business School

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