ALFRED M. AVILA-                     "Freddy"                       General

112 Hathaway Road, North Dartmouth
"A fellow of infinite jest, of most excellent fancy" Activities: Football 1, 3, 4; prom Committees 3, 4. A good-looking guy . . . never a dull moment with him . . . always at the drug store when he's not chasing girls in his VW . . . Where would you be without girls, Freddy? . . . one of our better football players . . . can be found at any party . . . a friend to all . . . Tuff.!! "Now, wait a minute"
Future Plans: Data Processing
GLENN M. BABOLA-          "Bo"                              General

508 Faunce Corner Road, North Dartmouth
"What should a man do but be merry?"
Usually found underneath his car . . . enjoys riding around in his '64
Tempest convertible . . . always seems to end up at Mt. Pleasant Drive-In
. . . why's that Bo? . . . `Is it a good thing?"

Future Plans: Undecided

PAMELA JAY BARBER-         "Pam"                          Distributive Ed.

42 Chase Road, North Dartmouth
"I am a part of all that I have met"
Honors: Honor Roll 3, 4.
Activities: Art Service Club 2, 3; Dartettes 2, 3; Future Nurses' Club 1;
D. E. C. A. Secretary 4.    Everyone knows and likes Pam . . . brings the sunshine to Mr. Silveira's homeroom . . . a real talented artist, especially in ceramics . . . goes camping to get closer to nature . . . doesn't really look like an aunt . . . "How are ya?"
Future Plans: Undecided

136 Sharp Street, North Dartmouth
"Merrily, merrily, shall I live now"
Honors: Honor Roll 3, 4.
 Activities: Portuguese Club 2.
A very busy gal . . . listens to "oldies but goodies". . . looking for Barley? She's with Steve in his 'SI Mere . . . very domesticated . . . hayrides keep her happy . . . ice skating keeps her slim . . . takes an instant liking to any one whose head is closer to the ground than her gorgeous dark-haired one . . . "Wish it were 6:30!"
Future Plans: Marriage

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