14 Wilber Ave. North Dartmouth
"Work keeps the mind happy"
Honors: 2nd place magazine drivel,1: HARPOON advertising editor.
Activities:Junior red cross 3, president 4, Engineers 3, 4: Darttes4,
Girl's Chorus 1, Mixed Chorus 3, Librarian 4, HARPOON.
A quiet girl who enjoys helping others...Works hard for the Junior
Red Cross... Likes making ceramics ...Spends a good part of her time
political campaining... Can be seen just plan "goofing off"
"Oh, did you ever?"
NELSON J. VAUGHAN—"Mr. Vaughan" Distributive Ed.
248 Fisher Road, North Dartmouth "What should a man do but be merry"
Main interest? girls! . . . finds time to eat, tho' . .. can stretch the truth like nobody's business . . . takes time out from anything just to have a good laugh . . . gets excited when he drives by stuck Chevys in a good Ford .
a terrific bowler . . . "Ford has a better idea."
Future Plans: Police Force

GARY WAYNE VAZ Distributive Ed.
396 Russells Mills Road, South Dartmouth
"Variety's the spice of life"
Activities: D. E. C. A. President 4.
Likes riding his bike (try motorbike?) . . . works at St. -Luke's . . . likes watching football games . . . always going to Boston . . . smiles a lot .. . likes to kid around . . . "Is that hairy!"
Future Plans: Male Nurse
PAUL J. VAZ College
559 State Road, North Dartmouth
"A time to be silent and a time to speak"
A quiet and nice guy . . . enjoys playing drums . . . thinks a good ski around the lake after a hard day's work is great . . . always seen riding around in his Hudson . . . likes girls . . . At all! At all!"
Future Plans: College

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