39 Cove Road, South Dartmouth
"Lots of life and plenty of pep"
Activities: Dartettes 3, 4; Engineers 2, 3, 4; Junior Red Cross 3, Treasurer 4; 5th period ticket salesman; Prom Committees 3, 4.
Likes buying clothes . . . avid D. H. S. supporter at all the games . . . can be seen in green and white . . . sells tickets to games . . . collects stuffed animals . . . loads of laffs . . . rides around everywhere . . . Who's Mr. Special from S.M.T.I.? . . . "Pour it on!"
Future Plans: College
73 Russells Mills Road, South Dartmouth
"In silence there is a worth that brings no riches"
A quiet guy but friendly . . . likes sports ... crazy about girls ... watches television whenever he can . . . enjoys dancing and music . . . can really goof off . . . found at the beach summers ... a great appetite . . . "Out of sight!"
Future Plans: Service

NANCY REX—"Nannie-poo" I. W. G.
3 Day Street, South Dartmouth
"A horse! a horse! my kingdom for a horse!"
Honors: Honor Roll 1, 2, 3, 4; Honor Society 3, Treasurer 4; N. E. D. T. Certificate.
Activities: Girls' Chorus 1; Mixed Chorus 3, 4; Choraleers 3.
A quiet girl with a nice smile ... lovely eyes . . . likes to go horseback riding . . . reads constantly . . . really goes for sailing . . . "Well, what do you think about that?"
Future Plans: College
147 Rogers Street, South Dartmouth
"High-erected thoughts seated in the heart of courtesy" Honors: Honor Roll 1, 2, 3, 4: N. E. D. T. Certificate.
Activities: Squad Leader 4.
A nice girl to know . . . likes being with Steve . . . spends summers at Jones Beach acquiring a tan-and swimming . . . ice skates . . . seen running the halls with Sherri . . . likes convertibles . . . groovy . . . "You're too much!"
Future Plans: College

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