STEPHEN R. MERCER-"Squeak" Distributive Ed.
211 Cross Road, North Dartmouth
"As prone to mischief as able to perform it"
Activities: Indoor Track 1; Basketball 1; D. E. C. A. 4.
Can always be seen with the gang at Midway or riding around North Dartmouth . . . is always thinking about one special girl--Linda . . ."Buzz off!"
Future Plans: Appliance serviceman
31 Elmview Ave., North Dartmouth
"An affable and courteous gentleman"
Honors: Southeastern Massachusetts Interscholastic Tennis All-Star Team 2, 3.
Activities: Tennis 2, 3, 4.
A real sportsman . . . gets most of his muscles by playing tennis (very good at it, too) . . . favorite topic for conversation is the almighty automobile .. has a liking for a certain girl . . "I beg of you"
Future Plans: College

BRUCE A. MOGAYZEL—"Little Itch", "Mogie" Business
30 Kevin Place, North Dartmouth
"The unspoken word never does harm"
Honors: Typing Certificate 2; Bookkeeping Achievement Award 4.
Activities: Cafeteria Worker 1, 2; Photographer Selection Committee 3; Ways and Means Committees 3, 4; Office Aide 4, HARPOON.
Two of his main interests are girls and bookkeeping . . . loves to watch his little sister Lynn ... Who gave you that nickname? . . . can be seen driving around . . . swimming and water skiing are his favorite sports . . . "Is that right?"
Future Plans: Business College
DENNIS A. MONIZ—"Denny" College
125 Metropolitan Street, North Dartmouth
"Everyday is a new life to a wise man"
Activities: New Bedford High: Baseball 1; Football 2; Boys' Chorus 1, 2. Dartmouth High: Indoor track 3, 4; Outdoor track 2; Football 3, 4; Tennis 3, 4.
Brawn and brain . . . great smile . . . excells in sports . . . gets into interesting classroom discussions . . . witty and wise . . . reads . . . loves sports and cars . . . "Hey cut the cacophony"
Future Plans: College

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