9 Laurel Lane, South Dartmouth
"Dance, laugh and be merry"
Activities: Engineers 2; Portuguese Club 3; Medicine Men 1.
Great kid . . . loves dancing, girls and music . . . often seen swimming and playing pool ... always seems to be having fun . . . loves parties and having a good time . . . "Play it cool!"
Future Plans: Navy
515 Old Westport Road, North Dartmouth
"To speak his thoughts is every freeman's right"
Activities: Mixed Chorus 1, 2; Engineers 2, 3; Stage Productions 1, 2; Portuguese Club 3,4.
A real peppy guy . . . strikes up an easy conversation . . . can really sing . . . loves all kinds of sports and music . . . always wearing a smile . . ."If you can't say anything good about a person, don't say it at all."
Future Plans: College

RONALD W. MEDEIROS—"Ronnie" Distributive Ed.
36 Sharp Street, North Dartmouth
"To each his own"
Activities: D. E. C. A. 4.
A great fellow . . . loves a good time . . . has curly hair . . . enjoys riding around doing nothing . . . can be seen most anywhere . . . "What?"
Future Plans: Undecided
JEROME C. MELLO "Jerry" Industrial Arts
99 Alpha Street. North Dartmouth
"lie/had an imn or two - whet he'd do next, no one knew"
A realW really great kid . .. always has a mischievous grin on his face .. spends 10 hours working away on his car . . . likes skiing and skating . loves, to bug Stella and tease Kathy - well girls?! "It's mine."
Future Plans: Service

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