CYNTHIA JUNE DANEL                               "Cindy"                                       College

3 Newton Street, South Dartmouth
"It is a friendly heart that has plenty of friends"

Honors: N. E. D. T. Certificate; Typewriting Award.
Activities: Girls' Chorus 1, 2; Mixed Chorus 3, 4; Dramatic Club 2; Future Teachers' Club 3, 4.
A quiet gal . . . an active Marianer ... enjoys sailing and walking to the Village . . . participated in the Sing Out... spends her spare time working in the Village ... "You're kidding!"

Future Plans: College
ROBERT A. DAVIS—"Mad" inaustriai Arts
205 Cross Road, North Dartmouth "Wit and humor belong to genius"
A great fan of the Rolling Stbnes . . . enjoys such sports as baseball and football ... a nice kid to know . . . likes sleeping and motorcycles.
Future Plans: Undecided

ROBERT WALTER DE MELLO                                                       Industrial Arts

640 Reed Road, North Dartmouth
"Employment brings enjoyment"

Enjoys hunting . . . goes fishing whenever he can . . . always working at different jobs ... once a lifeguard at Musical Beach . always driving a black bomber ... "What's new?"

Future Plans: Service
CATHY LYNN DE MORANVILLE                        "Cath"                                   General

44 Juliette Street, North Dartmouth
"Art is a language all men speak"

Honors: HARPOON Art Staff Editor. Activities: Dramatic Club 1; Usherette 1; Dartettes 2; Girls' Chorus 2; Art Service Club 4; Mixed Chorus 3, 4; HARPOON. Enjoys oil painting and sketching . . . can be seen driving through the Fair-haven A & W often . . . likes to watch baseball games ... beautiful brown eyes . . . sharp dresser ... really has fun swimming at Wilbur's Point.

Future Plans: Art School

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